# | README file for | | ELSA DESKman version 2.08 for Windows NT 4.00 Build 1381 | | Copyright (c) 1993-97 ELSA GmbH, Aachen (Germany) | | Subsidary: | ELSA GmbH ELSA Inc. | Sonnenweg 11 2150 Trade Zone Blvd. | D-52070 Aachen Suite 101 | Germany San Jose, CA 95131 | USA | | Phone : +49-241-606-0 Phone: +1-408-935-0350 | Support Fax: +49-241-606-6399 Phone: 1-800-272-ELSA | BBS (modem): +49-241-606-9800 Fax : +1-408-935-0370 | BBS (ISDN) : +49-241-606-9820 BBS : +1-408-935-0380 | CompuServe : GO ELSA CIS : GO ELSA | WWW : http://www.elsa.de WWW : http://www.elsa.com | | April, 9th 1997, JKrueger Table of Contents: 1 Introduction 2 Installation 3 Configuration Options 4 Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Introduction This file will help you to install and configure the ELSA DESKman. ELSA DESKman helps you to control multiboard characteristics with ELSA graphiccards. For example you can resize the window size to one monitor etc. With this tool you will be able to divide applications into two or more screens. 1.1 List of files The directory with the ELSA DESKman for Windows NT contains the following files: Deskman.exe Program for multi-board control Deskman.inf Script file for Microsoft setup program Deskmdll.dll Hook DLL for Microsoft Windows Dskmndeu.hlp ELSA help file german Dskmneng.hlp ELSA help file english Liesmich.txt German version of the file README.TXT Readme.txt The file you are reading ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Installation NOTE This programm was designed to work properly with Windows NT 4.0 in multi board use. For ELSA DESKman is not going to be installed within the installation of WINtools, it is necessary to install it manually in multi board use. The installation can be done easily and quickly. 2.1 Manual installation from CD Use Windows NT-Explorer to change to your CD-ROM drive, go to the according directory of your graphic card and to Winnt40\I386\Deskman. Click once with the right mouse button on the file Deskman.inf and once again with the left mouse button on the "install" option. 2.2 Program start To start ELSA DESKman, reboot your system or run the file Deskman.exe in your %SystemRoot\ELSAutil (e.g. C:\WINNT\ELSAutil). A small icon appears in the tray-taskbar. Click on it and you can see a pop-up menu, where you can choose to configure ELSA DESKman or to get information about it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 Configuration option 3.1 How to configure the driver In the following the settings of ELSA DESKman for Windows NT will be explained. Changes can be done by using "Options" from the DESKman pop-up menu. 3.2 What does DESKman do? - DESKman restricts the window size to one monitor, unless you expressly allow larger windows. - A window that would normally be centered on the entire desktop is automatically centered on one of the monitors. - A window that is not centered, but stretches over the border between two monitors, is moved entirely to the monitor which displayed the bigger part of the window. - Full-screen applications are restricted to one monitor, unless specified otherwise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 Errors When using only one ELSA graphic card or two graphic cards without multiboard option, you get the following error message with ELSA DESKman: "You are not using ELSA MULTIman or a virtual screen. You do not need DESKman." In this case you should deinstall ELSA DESKman with CONTROL PANEL/SOFTWARE. Mark "ELSA DESKman" and click on the "Add/Remove..." Button. ------------------------------------------------------------------------